Saturday, February 29, 2020

Week of February 24-28

We had so much fun at the Dance-A-Thon assembly! 

 Dr. Schreiner was a great sport about getting sprayed with silly string! 

 In phonics, we practiced sorting picture cards by the short e, i and o 
sounds. These vowel sounds tend to be a bit tricky for us! 

 After sorting the picture cards, we mixed them up and all grabbed one. 
We then met with our partner(s) to identify and compare the vowel 
sound in the picture card that we grabbed. 

 Nurses from St. Luke's came to speak with us about the importance of hand washing. They put special lotion on our hands and used a blacklight to show us the germs that are on our hands even though we can't normally see them. We then washed our hands and used the blacklight again to see if we washed off all of the germs. We learned that hand drying is also important when removing germs from hands! 

 Our fourth grade buddies heard that we were working on a Post Office unit and they decided to write each friend in KR a letter! We practiced our letter writing skills to write them back. 

 We even remembered to stamp our envelopes! 

 We learned a new card game in math. While working with a partner, we each pull a card and identify the number of dots on the card. We then practice using the math language more than and fewer while comparing the cards. The partner with the card that had more than gets to keep both cards. The partners then start the process again by each pulling another card.

 We went on a gallery walk of Reed School to learn more about Black History Month. We read the decorated doors of other classrooms and studied the artwork in the halls. We even were able to study about Mae Jemison! One of our own friends in KR dressed up as her on Halloween! We were excited when we found the project about Mae Jemison! 

 In science, we continue to study about force and motion. We experimented with different toys to discover how they move.

Center fun! 
We built sight words with Play Doh.
 We used our interactive pens to practice reading 
comprehension skills as well as word solving skills. 
We had a great time with these! 
We used 100 charts to fill in missing numbers. 
 We went fishing for beginning digraphs! 
 We learned about Rosa Parks and studied Leap Year! 
In phonics, we practiced writing words in elkonin boxes. Elkonin boxes help us segment words into individual sounds.

 We had an awesome time wearing our costumes during choice time! I have a feeling we will be picking this class reward again! :) 

 We used Hot Wheels to study force, motion, change in speed and in direction. Needless to say, we loved it! 
There were times some of us couldn't bear to see which car would win the race! :)