Saturday, November 2, 2019

Week of October 21-25

To celebrate the end of a unit in phonics, we had a letter sound parade! We paraded through our classroom singing our letter sounds.

 In math, we played a game called Guess My Number. We worked with partners and our counting chips. Each partner had 10 counters. When told to grab a handful, each partner grabbed a handful from his or her pile. The handful would go behind the children's backs while they used the number of counters that was left to figure out how many counters was grabbed. 

 Monster center work

 We worked on strengthening our fine motor skills by rolling dice and adding the number of water beads into our pumpkins that we rolled. 

One of our favorites, Write the Room: Sight Words- During phonics, we practiced finding and recording sight words that were written in fonts that we haven't yet seen.