Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week of September 3-6

We are comparing our shoes with a partner and noticing what is the same and what is different about them for a warm up activity during math. 

Happy Birthday, Gus! We celebrated his big day on Tuesday!

During reading workshop, we practiced finding a spot where we could sit to read quietly that was free from distractions! :) 

During phonics, we worked on really knowing our name by heart. We followed these steps to study our names individually. We then practiced teaching our names to a partner. It was fun for us to observe the similarities and differences in our names! 

During writing workshop, we learned that we should always try our best when writing and drawing. We learned that even if we have something tricky to draw or write, we should still  try our best to get our idea on paper because the world wants to hear our stories! 

I have been wanting to write a story about gymnastics but drawing a person doing a headstand is hard work! The children helped me out by drawing their best version of a headstand on their marker boards. I took their suggestions to illustrate my story. They are great teachers! :)