Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week of February 3-7

During phonics, we worked with partners to make sure the 
words posted around our room contain at least one vowel.

 We took our vowel shields around with us too! 

We played the game I Have, Who Has? while practicing counting tens and ones. 

 We celebrated Finley's birthday!
 Happy Birthday, Finley! 

 We studied 100 charts and discussed our observations.

 We learned the game, Drop and Count. We play it with a 
100 chart and two counters.

 In reading workshop, we worked with our partners to 
figure out tricky words in our books.

  We played the game Four Corners. In this game, the corners of our room are assigned with different potential answers to a question that I pose. The children stand in the corner that they believe contains the correct answer. Once everyone has decided on their answer, I share with the children the correct answer. This game is one of our favorites! 

 We learned how to keep our bodies healthy. We discussed the importance of washing our hands. We learned that although we can't see it, we leave up to 40,000 skin cells behind after we wash our hands! We checked our wipes when we were done cleaning our hands but we weren't able to see any of the skin cells or germs.

 Nina's dad was our mystery reader! Thanks for coming to 
read to us! We enjoyed having you!